
I recently read a blog that completely lifted my spirits. It was posted by an Actress who wrote so honestly about how shitty and soul destroying the Acting industry can be at times. The reason it made me feel so much better was because I realised I wasn’t on my own on the uphill struggle of the Acting ladder.

With the likes of Facebook and Twitter, people can glamorise their lives so easily; we’re all guilty of doing it. When was the last time you posted a status/tweet/photo that was completely truthful and honest about how you felt? We want others to think that we’re doing really well and loving every minute of it, when in all honesty, for most of us, it’s not the case. So I’ve decided to be really honest about how it is. So even if you don’t want to act (you lucky thing) reading my blogs will probably make you feel that little bit better about yourself. There. Sold.

So, sit back, drink tea (it’s my answer to everything, as most of you know by now)and join me on my journey. I promise I won’t show off.

One response to “Welcome…

  1. I am soo soooo happy that I came across your blog! I hope that one day you will come out with a book or something. I SWEAR! I don’t know why, but the way you’re telling your story reminded me of Sophie Kinsella (I hope you take it as a compliment, because I ADMIRE HER!!!). I’ll be sure to check back in!


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